Turkish soldier beaten by wife, gets state protection

Turkish soldier beaten by wife, gets state protection

Turkish soldier beaten by wife, gets state protection

Hürriyet photo

A family court in İzmir has placed a 35-year-old non-commissioned-officer M.O.K. under police protection, after his wife beat him, CNNTürk reported today.

M.O.K. became the first male to receive police protection through a recently-enacted law to protect victims of domestic violence.

The victim and his wife S.D.K. were married in 2003 and had a son in 2005. The couple's marriage deteriorated due to arguments over the last two years. Thirty-four-year-old S.D.K. reportedly started acting violently toward her husband and their son during this time, which involved physical and verbal assaults. M.O.K. started to have difficulties in his daily life as he appeared at work with bruises and fingernail marks on his face.

The man was able to capture his wife's violent acts by recording them on his cellular phone, after which he asked for protection for his son and himself.

A prosecutor forwarded the request to a family court, which decided to place M.O.K. and his son under police protection. A restraining order was placed against S.D.K., and the victim's address was added into the police's routine patrol.

M.O.K. also filed for divorce through his lawyer İhsan Coşkun, and asked for 20,000 Turkish Liras in compensation from his wife. Coşkun said S.D.K. had been previously convicted to three months in prison for insulting M.O.K. and was fined 3.000 Turkish liras for beating up their son. "We had to go to court after my client could not stand the violence anymore," he said.
