‘Hologram Erdoğan’ again? Turkey’s AKP to announce presidential nominee with special effects show

Turkish PM Erdoğan had made headlines when he appeared in hologram form to address AKP members in the western province of İzmir in January
The Justice and Development Party (AKP) is set to announce its presidential candidate in Ankara on July 1 with a presentation featuring special 3D technology. Current Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is the most likely contender for the ruling party.The party has invited former and current deputies, ministers, deputy ministers, mayors, members of its central decision-making bodies, party delegates, heads of provincial branches and founding members, as well as some 250 journalists and columnists for the meeting.
It will take place at the Ankara Trade Chambers’ (ATO) Congresium, which has a capacity of approximately 4,000 seats. Intense security measures will be taken inside and around the Congresium and only those who have special cards given by the party will be able to enter to the hall.
According to party officials who spoke to daily Hürriyet, Dataton’s special Watchout system will be used in “a visually rich presentation that will create the perception of three dimensions.” With the system, “paths, images and video can move freely through 3D space” at the user’s command, the official Watchout website says.

The Watchout-enhanced Fiesta de la Vendimia in Argentina. Image courtesy AV TECNICA
The July 1 meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. local time and will feature a cine-vision screen presentation praising the AKP’s 12 years in government.
The official announcement for the party’s presidential candidate is expected to be made by AKP Deputy Head Mehmet Ali Şahin, following Erdoğan’s speech to thank his party fellows.
“Long studies have been carried out by all of our party’s bodies. The overwhelming tendency was to appoint our prime minister as the presidential candidate. The presidency is his right; he’s the most appropriate candidate,” Deputy Prime Minister Beşir Atalay told Kanal 24 late on June 28.
“For now, we are pre-occupied by the presidential elections. We are busy with its campaigning. Evaluations regarding the party will be made through this process,” Atalay said.
After the conclusion of lengthy consultations both within and without the AKP, Erdoğan held his last meeting with President Abdullah Gül on June 29. Although Gül has said he has “no political plans” for the future, he has also left the door for his potential AKP leadership open.