Turkey criticizes UK for not consulting Ankara on regulation of British bases in Greek Cyprus

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hami Aksoy on June 12 criticized the U.K. for not consulting the Turkish Cypriot administration and Ankara regarding a regulation of the use of properties on British bases by their owners, which the official said means a “change of the status” in the region of the bases.
In a written statement, Aksoy recalled the regulation regarding the use of privately owned property within the British Sovereign Bases, which was signed between the Greek Cypriot administration and the U.K. in 2014, has entered into force.
“As we mentioned at the time of signing of this agreement, it is unacceptable that Turkey, as a guarantor, and the Turkish Cypriot side that signed the 1960 Treaties were not consulted timely on the content of this regulation, which entails a change of status in the base areas,” said the spokesperson.
In these areas, not only Greek Cypriots but also Turkish Cypriots have immovable properties, as well as indispensable rights and interests, he stressed.
“The United Kingdom, who is a guarantor, has ignored the Turkish Cypriots once again with the implementation of this regulation and damaged the balance between the parties on the island, the principle of political equality and, therefore, efforts towards the settlement of the Cyprus issue,” Aksoy noted.
Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades on June 8 announced an agreement with the U.K. that would allow the development of certain areas inside the bases. Anastasiades said the move was a “historic day for the residents and owners of property inside the territory controlled by British authorities.”
According to the Greek Cyprus media, the deal concerns 18 square kilometers of around 254 square kilometers or 3 percent of the island’s land, that is retained by Britain in Akrotiri near the city of Limassol and Dhekelia in Larnaca.