Future, Felicity, DEVA parties agree to merge

Future Party leader Ahmet Davutoğlu and DEVA party leader Ali Babacan
Three opposition parties have agreed to merge under a single "umbrella party" to consolidate their political presence and streamline parliamentary efforts, media reports have said.
Future Party, Felicity Party and Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA Party) were set to finalize details, including the name and logo of the new political entity during a meeting on Jan. 9.
The group plans to submit its official establishment petition to the Interior Ministry the following day.
According to sources, the leading contender for the new party’s name is the "New Path Party" (Yeni Yol Partisi in Turkish). Once formalized, the party will also apply to establish a parliamentary group next week.
Meanwhile, high-profile resignations shook the DEVA Party. Mustafa Yeneroğlu, a lawmaker from Istanbul, resigned on Dec. 26. Earlier this week, Balıkesir MP Burak Dalgın announced his departure, citing DEVA’s decision to join the umbrella organization. Selma Aliye Kavaf, another deputy, followed suit, declaring her opposition to the merger.
The DEVA Party now has 10 lawmakers in parliament, down from 13. If no further resignations occur, the new umbrella party’s parliamentary group is expected to consist of 30 members.
The collapse of the joint parliamentary group formed by the SP and the Future Party last month triggered the push for consolidation. The group lost its status after Future Party MP Nedim Yamalı resigned.
Support from DEVA MPs Mehmet Emin Ekmen and Ertuğrul Kaya restored the group, laying the groundwork for deeper collaboration.
Under Türkiye's parliamentary rules, a political party must have at least 20 members to form a group.
The status grants privileges such as participating in the parliament's board and committees, speaking at plenary sessions and appointing members to the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK).