Turkish state official motivates employees with cuddling bird photo

Turkish state official motivates employees with cuddling bird photo

Turkish state official motivates employees with cuddling bird photo The deputy general director of the Social Security Institution (SGK) made the news recently when he sent his employees a cuddling bird photo, saying their institution resembled the bird family.
In an email titled "My Dear Personnel,” Deputy Director Adem Onar attached the photo of a group of birds cuddled and crammed over a thin branch, saying he was the "blue feathered" bird in the middle, daily Akşam reported.
"Believe me we are like those birds," the director said in the email. "I am the fourth one from the left, with a blue head and brown belly, that is, your director. My eyes are shut, I am so happy to be with you on that branch. Believe me we are like those birds. We will take the SGK to the skies.”
The director then pleaded his employees to stay motivated, pray and keep up the good work for "the sake of God."
He ends the email by saying "May God and angels protect you."
