Turkish FM replies to ‘Syrian Twitter girl’ Bana amid collapsed Aleppo ceasefire

Turkish FM replies to ‘Syrian Twitter girl’ Bana amid collapsed Aleppo ceasefire

Turkish FM replies to ‘Syrian Twitter girl’ Bana amid collapsed Aleppo ceasefire Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on Dec. 14 replied to a tweet shared from the account of a seven-year-old Syrian girl Bana Alabed, who has attracted the world’s attention while tweeting from war-torn Aleppo.

“Sir @MevlutCavusoglu we had hope yesterday, but what’s happening now? Please help us now. No more time left. Thank you. - Fatemah #Aleppo,” a tweet posted by Bana’s mother said on the collapse of a recent ceasefire.

“Keep your hope my sister. Turkey hears your call. We work hard to end the nightmare you and many children in Syria are going through,” Çavuşoğlu replied.