Turkish court orders man to pay 20,000 liras for making wife obtain ‘virginity report’
Mesut Hasan Benli – ANKARA

A court in Ankara has ordered a man to pay 20,000 Turkish Liras in compensation for making his wife obtain a “virginity report.”
The incident dates back to May 2016, when the man and his family, unidentified for legal reasons, accused the woman of having previously lost her virginity before getting married. They then sent her back to her father’s house and the man filed for a divorce.
The woman’s lawyer, Mahmut Aslan, also filed for divorce on behalf of his client, on the grounds that there is no article in divorce laws citing “virginity as necessary.” He also demanded 200,000 liras in compensation for the woman.
Aslan stated that his client was a virgin and said there had been no sexual intercourse between her and her husband because the groom had been “too excited.”
The court rejected the man’s request for divorce, also citing a report that proved the woman was a virgin.
The court accepted the woman’s request for a divorce, and the couple was divorced in the first hearing of the trial.
The court ordered the man to pay 350 liras in alimony each month and 15,000 liras in compensation, based on possible challenges the woman could face in making a new life for herself. The man was also ordered to pay the woman 20,000 liras in compensation for making her obtain a virginity report, throwing her out of the house, and causing her pain.