Turkish competition authority fines Enerjisa units $26 mln

Turkish competition authority fines Enerjisa units $26 mln

Turkish competition authority fines Enerjisa units $26 mln

Turkey’s competition authority imposed a 143 million Turkish Lira ($26.1 million) fine on Enerjisa units for abusing the dominant position in the market, the authority said in a statement on Aug. 9.

The Istanbul Anatolian Side Power Distribution Company, the Enerjisa Anatolian Side Retail Electricity Sales Company, the Enerjisa Başkent Retail Electricity Sales Company and the Enerjisa Toroslar Retail Electricity Sales Company have been fined for “violating Article 6 of law number 4054 on the protection of competition environment.”

Units of Enerjisa, which is jointly owned by Turkey’s Sabancı Holding and Germany’s E.ON, can appeal the fine, the authority also said.

The competition board announced that it launched a probe into seven electricity companies owned by Sabancı Holding to investigate whether they abused their dominant market position early in 2017.

The board then said the investigation decision was taken after a preliminary probe into similar concerns in late 2016 found evidence serious enough for a further investigation.