Turkey-led project to end attacks on religion

Foreign Minister Davutoğlu (R) shakes hands with his German counterpart Westerwelle. AA photo
Turkey is leading an initiative to prevent attacks on sacred values after violent protests over ananti-Islam film have swept Muslim nations.
Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu told reporters on Sept. 25 about the project, calling it “three soft powers from three continents.” Apart from Turkey, Brazil and Sweden are participating in the initiative, Davutoğlu said. The three countries are working on a document on this issue in the presence of the United Nations, Davutoğlu said on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly meetings in New York.
Davutoğlu also said the three countries will work on measures to increase the security and immunity of ambassadors. The Turkish foreign minister met with his Brazilian counterpart, Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, and his Swedish counterpart, Carl Bildt, on Sept. 24.
Clampdown on Islamophobia
Meanwhile, Muslim leaders attending the U.N. General Assembly called on Western nations to clamp down on “Islamophobia,” Agence France-Presse reported.
Leaders from of Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan and Afghanistan adressed the issue at the U.N. Afghan President Hamid Karzai said “such acts can never be justified as freedom of speech or expression.”