Piano notes replace tear gas in Taksim as musicians play for Gezi Park protesters
ISTANBUL – Doğan News Agency

Davide Martello (L) also played with the crowd as he brought his grand piano to what was the center of a battlefield a day earlier. DAILY NEWS photo, Emrah GÜREL
The thousands of demonstrators who gathered once again late on June 12 in Gezi Park had an opportunity to chill out thanks to a joint piano concert performed by the German musician Davide Martello and the Turkish musician Yiğit Özatalay.The Italian-born pianist and composer, who visited Taksim Square and the park, surprised its “occupiers,” bringing with him nothing less than his piano and gave a mellow concert for the crowd, Doğan news agency reported.
Martello, who is accustomed to such spontaneous performances, played sonatas among other classic tunes.
Martello was on a world tour and he wanted to play in Istanbul to support the protesters, daily Hürriyet reported. “I brought the piano with my car. I play at the squares for people’s freedom. I came here to support the demonstrations,” Martello said.
Özatalay, 28, also said he played to make a statement about the restrictions on human rights.
“Our freedoms are being restricted. I don’t accept this as an artist,” he said.
Meanwhile, the park and Taksim Square were quiet late yesterday compared to previous nights. However, many people had expected a police intervention at the park and some asked the governor via Twitter about the issue. Istanbul Gov. Hüseyin Avni Mutlu said via his Twitter account that there wouldn’t be any intervention in the park last night.
“Some provocative rumors are being shared saying that there will be an intervention in Gezi Park. Do not pay attention to these rumors. Good night,” said Mutlu via his Twitter account at midnight.