Owner of disaster-struck mine closes all facilities in Soma

Along with the Eynez facility where the tragic incident took place, the Soma Coal Mining Company owns the Işıklar and Ata Bacası facilities, where production had been limited in recent months.
The owner of the disaster-struck mine in Soma that killed 301 workers in May has closed two other facilities nearby, which had continued to operate at limited capacity.Alp Gürkan, who attracted huge opprobrium after defending himself against accusations that the lack of adequate safety measures was responsible for Turkey’s worst ever industrial disaster, visited Soma on Oct. 10 to announce the closure of all his company’s sites in the town.
Along with the Eynez facility where the tragic incident took place, the Soma Coal Mining Company owns the Işıklar and Ata Bacası facilities, where production had been limited in recent months.
Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yıldız drew criticism after speculating a few months ago that the site of the deadly accident could be re-opened “if conditions were met.” Workers recently began the clearing of the mine after it was handed over to the operating company following the end of the investigation into the accident.
A number of officials, including the company’s CEO and its general manager, were taken into custody during the investigation.