G-20 vows joint anti-terror actions after attacks
Serkan Demirtaş - ANTALYA

World leaders attend a working session on the Global Economy during the G20 summit in Antalya, on November 15, 2015. Leaders from the world's top 20 industrial powers meet in Turkey from November 15 seeking to overcome differences on a range of issues including the Syria conflict, the refugee crisis and climate change. AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Leaders of the world’s richest and most powerful countries are set to vow to conduct joint actions against growing global terrorism following an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attack that killed at least 129 people in France, in the first written statement issued by the G-20 on a political issue.The Antalya Summit held by Turkey, the current term president, was the first time the G-20 engaged in issues other than the economy and trade as world leaders agreed to release a statement denouncing the Paris attacks while vowing unity against terrorism.
The statement had not yet been released yet, however, a draft report seen by Hürriyet Daily News underlined that leaders reaffirmed that terrorism cannot be associated with any religion, nationality or ethnic group.
Leaders denounced the Paris attacks what they described as “heinous” and reiterated that they would remain united in combatting terrorism. Expressing their concerns about the growing flow of foreign terrorist fighters, leaders demanded stepped-up border control and aviation security.
G-20 leaders stressed that they would remain committed to tackling financing channels of terrorism by enhanced cooperation on the exchange of information and by freezing the assets of terrorists.
The Antalya Declaration which is expected to be released on Nov. 16, the final day of the two-day gathering, will also touch on the global migration problem while calling on all countries to cooperate to resolve the problem.
Syria main course at working dinner
In the meantime, world leaders conducted in-depth discussions on the Syrian unrest during the working dinner hosted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. “Global Challenges: Terrorism and Migration” was the theme of the dinner during which the heads of states and governments from more than 20 countries represented at the summit attended.
The summit will end Nov. 16 after Erdoğan holds the closing session and a press conference.
Here is the draft declaration:
- We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the heinous terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November and in Ankara on 10 October. They are an unacceptable affront to all humanity. We extend our deepest condolences to the victims of terrorist attacks and their families. We reaffirm our solidarity and resolve in the fight against terrorism in all its forms and wherever it occurs.
- We remain united in combatting terrorism. The spread of terrorist organizations and significant rise globally in acts of terrorism directly undermine the maintenance of international peace and security and endangers our ongoing efforts to strengthen the global economy and ensure sustainable growth and development.
- We unequivocally condemn all acts, methods and practices of terrorism, which cannot be justified under any circumstances, regardless of their motivation, in all their forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomsoever committed.
- We reaffirm that terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group.
- The fight against terrorism is a major priority for all of our countries and we reiterate our resolve to work together to prevent and suppress terrorist acts through increased international solidarity and cooperation, in full recognition of the UN’s central role, and in accordance with UN Charter and obligations under international law, including international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, as well as through the full implementation of the relevant international conventions, UN Security Council Resolutions and the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy.
- We also remain committed to tackling the financing channels of terrorism, particularly by enhanced cooperation on exchange of information and freezing of terrorist assets, criminalization of terrorist financing and robust targeted financial sanctions regimes related to terrorism and terrorist financing, including through swift implementation of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards in all jurisdictions. We will continue to implement relevant FATF recommendations and instruments. We call on FATF to identify measures, including pertaining to legal framework, to strengthen combatting of terrorism financing and targeted financial sanctions and implementation thereof.
- Our counter terrorism actions must continue to be part of a comprehensive approach based on addressing the conditions conducive to terrorism as stipulated in UN Security Council Resolution 2178, countering violent extremism, combatting radicalization and recruitment, hampering terrorist movements, countering terrorist propaganda and to prevent terrorists from exploiting technology, communications and resources to incite terrorist acts, including through the internet. The direct or indirect encouragement of terrorism, the incitement of terrorist acts and glorification of violence must be prevented. We recognize the need at all levels to work proactively to prevent violent extremism and support civil society in engaging youth and promoting inclusion of all members of society.
- We are concerned over the acute and growing flow of foreign terrorist fighters and the threat it poses for all States, including countries of origin, transit and destination. We are resolved to address this threat by enhancing our cooperation and developing relevant measures to prevent and tackle this phenomenon, including operational information-sharing, border management to detect travel, preventive measures and appropriate criminal justice response. We will work together to strengthen global aviation security.
- The continued and recent terrorist attacks all across the world have shown once again the need for increased international cooperation and solidarity in the fight against terrorism. We will always remember the victims of these attacks.