Father sells off rape victim following village meeting

Hürriyet photo
A father has agreed to avoid pursuing revenge against the alleged rapist of his 13-year-old daughter in exchange for livestock, the marriage of the victim and her assailant, as well as a bride from the offender’s family, daily Sabah reported today.The victim, who was raped and tortured by a 15-year-old relative, was given away as a bride to her rapist during a meeting last month in a village in the eastern province of Erzurum’s Çat district that locals convened to prevent a blood feud from erupting between the two families.
The father, in return, received land and livestock, while the rapist's 13-year-old sister is now set to marry the victim's teenage brother because the victim's father wanted "a new daughter" now that his own "had been dishonored."
The event was revealed when an unknown person alerted gendarmerie forces. The rapist confessed to the crime and was sent to prison.
The victim was hospitalized following the incident but was soon returned to her family.