'A Beautiful Mind' hero John Nash coming to Turkey

Famous mathematician John Nash (R), whose story inspired the Hollywood hit ‘A Beautiful Mind,’ will coming to World Congress of the Game Theory Society.
World-renowned mathematician John Nash, whose story inspired the Hollywood hit “A Beautiful Mind,” will visit Istanbul Bilgi University between July 22 and 26 for the World Congress of the Game Theory Society (GAMES 2012).John Nash, a world-renowned mathematician and a Nobel Laureate in Economics, will visit Istanbul along with other Nobel laureate scientists including Eric Maskin, Reinhard Selten and Roger Myerson.
During the GAMES 2012, about 550 presentations and various common sessions, including a Nobel panel, will be conducted. Some 100 scientists from Turkey and 1,000 scientists from the international arena are expected to attend the congress, which will assemble the most prestigious scientists studying in the branches of economics and applied mathematics.
“This congress, which has great prestige in international academic circles, is held once every four years. The previous one was held at Northwestern University. As Bilgi University, we are proud to welcome the summit of mathematics and economics. So far, seven or eight Nobel prizes have been awarded on these branches, and four of the laureates will visit Istanbul for this congress,” Istanbul Bilgi University Rector Professor Remzi Sanver said in a statement issued ahead of the gathering.