Two Ukrainian sailors found dead on ship in Turkey

The captain of the ship notified the shipyard of the deaths of two Ukrainian employees, Oleksiy Voytsov, 34, and Sergi Kravchenko, 33, after their bodies were discovered in their rooms at around 8:30 a.m. on June 8, according to a written statement released by the Desan shipyard.
The sailors’ rooms were checked after they missed the beginning of their morning shift, the statement said.
“While feeling sorrow over the fact that this incident took place inside our shipyard, we do not have any information,” it added.
“According to the information we obtained from the shipyard’s doctor, two sailors were found dead and half naked in the bathroom of the [ship’s] cabin while the ship was taken in for maintenance. The police are investigating,” the chief executive officer of the shipyard, Muhsin Divan, told journalists, while adding that the mending of foreign ships was done at the dock.
“There’s no night work in our shipyard. This is not about the repair process, no work was being done in that part of the ship” he added.