Turkish man discovers runaway wife’s two lovers on TV show

From left to right: Cemil, Gülcan, Davut and Mesut
A Turkish man applied to a television show in which separated couples are reunited has found in the end that his runaway wife had actually not one but two extramarital affairs.
The man, identified as Mesut G., was hosted on Esra Erol’s program on private broadcaster ATV last week to find his wife, Gülcan, who left their home three months after she gave birth.
The man abandoned his hopes to reunite with his wife after he discovered that the woman was living with another man that she also called husband. Still, he pleaded to her through the show to let him see their child.
“But I don’t know whether the child is mine or the other guy’s,” the man said on the program.
The woman then called in and told that the baby was from the “other guy,” who was identified only as Cemil A., and she was ready for a DNA test.
But it was not the only telephone call that surprised the viewers. After the woman, her mother also called in and told the man in the studio that he should not feel ashamed.
“My daughter is the one who should be ashamed,” the mother said.
The last surprise came when Esra Erol, the host of the program, further detailed Gülcan’s love affairs.
“She also had affairs with both Davut and Cemil before she married Mesut,” the host said.
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