Turkish engineers develop electronic voting system

Technology company VOITERM announced that it has developed Türkiye's first electronic voting system that will maximize election security and save time in the election process.
Following statements by Ahmet Yener, the head of the Supreme Election Council, that "Türkiye must move to electronic voting," discussions on digital voting were put on the agenda.
"Until now, there has been no tangible example of digital voting in Türkiye. After a process in which we meticulously examined all discussions about the electronic voting process, such as election security and privacy, and identified risks and opportunities, we have reached the end of the process of developing an election system that is completely closed to outside interference,” Cengiz Pişirici, the founder of VOITERM, said.
“VOITERM digital election system, which is not connected to any network, eliminates dangers such as remote infiltration in the first place. While saving time in vote counting processes, it also makes it easier to access the results in a controlled manner with its double verification mechanism,” he said.
Pişirici emphasized that the project will save costs in electoral processes and is environmentally friendly, stating that the system is currently ready to be used for all elections in the country.
"The digital election infrastructure can be used in certain pilot regions at first and gradual transition can be planned. We are ready to start the process of digitalization of elections in Türkiye,” Pişirici concluded.
Data compiled by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance shows that 79 percent of 173 countries do not use electronic voting systems. 29 countries are using electronic voting systems in politically binding national elections, while 18 countries have completed the transition to electronic voting in regional elections.