Some 844 lives claimed since November as COVID persists

Some 844 people have lost their lives since last November due to COVID-19, according to the Health Ministry’s data for the last five months.
The Health Ministry shared new data on the COVID-19 pandemic, which has infected millions of people in Türkiye and caused the deaths of 102,174 people so far.
Accordingly, more than 252,000 cases have been detected since November 2022.
The ministry had changed the daily COVID-19 data they shared to weekly during the normalization period in June, and had stopped announcing the monthly data since the week of Nov. 14-27.
The number of active cases is unclear as recovered cases are not shared in the data.
According to the data of the Ministry, around 10,000 new cases were seen in the last three days of November.
In January 2023, there were 43,801 cases and 231 deaths, in February 15,811 cases and 95 deaths, and in March 31,054 cases and 85 deaths.
As of the end of March, the total number of cases was 17,232,066, while the total number of deaths reached 102,174.
In the number of vaccinations shared on a daily basis, a total of 152,710,103 doses were seen to be administered.
Stating that COVID cannot yet be considered a seasonal disease, some experts say that one out of every two COVID tests come back positive in some centers in Istanbul.