Perre ancient city to revive 1,800-year-old grape mill

Perre ancient city to revive 1,800-year-old grape mill

Perre ancient city to revive 1,800-year-old grape mill

Local authorities from the country’s southeastern province of Adıyaman have unveiled a large-scale project to restore an 1,800-year-old grape mill to add to the allure of tourism in the ancient city of Perre.

In an unconventional move, the project seeks to revive the old practices conducted at the ancient mill through animating and combining the methods of ancient times with today's technology.

Through these means, the initiative aims to take the visitors on a journey through time and offer them a first-hand experience of the old wine production approaches.

In addition to having the opportunity to observe firsthand the wine production techniques, both domestic and international visitors will also explore on-site the lever press mechanisms in grape mills that were in use some 1,800 years ago.

Governor Osman Varol shed light on the details of the excessive project, as well as providing insights into the ancient structure.

"This [ancient structure] was formerly a workshop for making wine. It will be restored to working order using equipment created with the technology of the time, and a reenactment will demonstrate how this production was carried out in the past,” he explained, adding the recreation consists of four stages in total.

The contractor business is still working to complete the project, with the local authorities also continuing excessive efforts under the direction of the Culture and Tourism Directorate, Varol noted.

The ancient city of Perre has a great potential for tourism, and excavations are still going on at the site, Varol said, urging both local and foreign tourists to pay a visit to the historic province.

"We are working to increase the promotion of our province. Today, [Adıyaman’s] Mount Nemrut is among the most famous places not only in Türkiye but across the whole globe,” he said.