Parents protest against quake risk in front of risky school building

Parents of students at an elementary school in the Kartal district in Istanbul protested against the earthquake retrofitting of their school, claiming that the building is still not strong enough to withstand a possible earthquake.
Medine Tayfur Sökmen Elementary School in Kartal’s Soğanlık neighborhood, where 750 students receive education, was recently retrofitted against a risk of earthquake by the Istanbul Governorship. Students were sent to other schools as guests.
During the retrofitting work, which started in October 2022 and is expected to be completed in April 2023, the parents of the students demanded the school to be demolished and rebuilt, claiming that the building was highly risky.
About 100 parents had gathered in front of the school and stated that they do not want their children to continue their education there if the building is not demolished and rebuilt.
One of the parents Neriman Yıldırım said that the building is about 50-60 years old and one of its blocks was said to have been retrofitted against an earthquake 15 years ago.
Yıldırım stated that the other block is highly risky in the face of an earthquake as it is a masonry building with a foundation of only about 90 centimeters.
She said that although the school is said to be retrofitted, even in its reinforced state, the interiors look extremely concerning.
None of the parents want to send their children back to the school in April if the buildings are not going to be rebuilt, and they want their children to continue their education in the schools they are currently attending as guests.
According to Yıldırım, they have written many petitions, yet the building is still not inspected by the officials.