Man rides horse to work

A tire repairman living in the northwestern province of Kocaeli has been commuting on a horse named “Rüzgar” (‘Wind’ in English) for almost a year.
“I go to work riding on Rüzgar and tie her at the garden behind my workplace,” Summani Yılmaz told İhlas News Agency on June 6.
“Rüzgar” resides at a stable next to Yılmaz’s house. “Early in the mornings, I visit the stable and make the horse ready for travel,” he said. “Then, I ride the horse on the streets of Kocaeli to work.”
People, but especially children, love Rüzgar, according to its owner. “Kids run to take photos as soon as they see Rüzgar on the ride and it makes me proud.”
When asked why he preferred a horse for commuting, he replied, “Choices.”
“Some feed cats or dogs at home. I feed a horse at the stable. I love horses since my childhood,” he noted.
Apart from the streets when commuting, the beach in the Tütünçiftlik neighborhood is Yılmaz and Rüzgar’s favorite place to spend time together.
“Sea water is healthy for horses, a natural cure for its legs,” he said.
“That’s why we occasionally get into the sea.”