Locals cherish endangered sea daffodil

Locals cherish endangered sea daffodil

MUĞLA-Anadolu Agency
Locals cherish endangered sea daffodil

The endangered sea daffodil in Turkey's southwestern province of Muğla is strictly forbidden to remove.

The fine of removing the endangered flora -- currently under the protection of World Union for Nature Conservation -- is more than $10,000.

The lily grows on Fener beach in the coastal Bodrum district, with local authorities having taken measures to protect it by surrounding its habitat with iron railings.

The fine for picking the lily was recently increased from 43,000 Turkish Liras ($8,358) to 60,000 Turkish Liras ($10,343).

Sea daffodils -- also known as "pancratium maritimum" in Latin -- bloom in warm weather across Fener Beach to the delight of those who admire its bright white blossom and delicate, fragile features.

Warning signs dot the beach where they thrive, to protect the rare plant from being plucked from its natural home.