Glass ‘boats’ to cross the Bosphorus in new project
ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

As part the new project, seven floating glass objects will cross the Bosphorus. Company photo
In the early summer of 2012 seven floating glass objects will cross the Bosphorus at Istanbul from Asia to Europe. Filled with brand new goods from East Asia, they will be dragged across the water by a small fishing boat, heading for the European shore. The goods will include mass-produced items from countries like China, Taiwan, Indonesia and Hong Kong, cheap consumables with very brief and limited value in daily life.While large-scale importing normally happens with sealed containers on huge ships, “Glass boats crossing the Bosphorus” is an attempt to make the social and ecological issues around this trade visible, and raise questions about European consumption habits. The glass “boats” are 80 x 80 x 35 cm objects roughly shaped like miniature cargo vessels and plastic shopping bags. Their contents will be mainly plastic toys, decorative objects, kitsch items and cheap tools.
Preparation for “Glass boats crossing the Bosphorus” is currently underway. All of the glass pieces have been produced and tested for their ability to float. The fabrication process was completed with assistance from the glass department of the fine art faculty at Marmara University, who generously supplied glass-fusing equipment and know-how. The project is the work of the German art collective Gonzoconsult, and especially collective member Samuel Burkhardt, working in Istanbul with the help of the Moda-based Halka Sanat Project. The group wants to share the ideas behind “Glass boats crossing the Bosphorus” with people.