Giant Genoese coat of arms adorning Istanbul’s palace stolen

The priceless giant Genoese coat of arms on the outer wall of Palazzo del Comune, which was built in 1316 and is considered one of the unique historical buildings of Istanbul, was stolen by thieves.
Known as the Podesta Palace in Turkish, the marvel was built in Istanbul’s Galata for Montani de Marinis, the Genoese ruler of the time, based on the Palazzo del Giorgio in Genoa and has been the target of thieves for a while.
Having been idle for many years due to neglect even though it was waiting to be restored, the historic stair railings of the building were stolen by the unidentified people last year.
The giant Genoese coat of arms on the exterior of the palace, which was used as a business center and workshop in the Republican era, was also stolen on July 9.
Nizam Hışım, the chairman of Beyoğlu Beautification and Protection Association who bought the building 15 years ago, filed a complaint with the police.
“The value of this coat of arms is very high. Priceless. Iron railings of the stairs were stolen before. Now the coat of arms, which is the most important element of the building, is gone,” Hışım said, adding that he tried very hard to restore the building in order to turn it into a museum, but he could not get the necessary permissions.