Embryo transfer performed on first uterus transplant patient

Derya Sert and her husband Mustafa Sert are waiting for the result. DHA photo
Derya Sert, who received the first-ever uterus transplant Aug. 8, 2011 at Akdeniz University in the Mediterranean province of Antalya, is now trying to become pregnant. An embryo has been successfully transferred to Sert’s uterus by plastic surgery professors Ömer Özkan and Özlenen Özkan to initiate pregnancy. If the transfer is successful, she will go into world medical literature.Before starting the process, Özkan said the possibility of success in an embryo transfer could be up to 40 or 50 percent. “We have a sufficient amount of frozen embryos of good quality. If we obtain negative results will try a more comprehensive method,” he said.
Sert’s husband, Mustafa Sert, said they were now waiting to receive the fruit of this love.