Election watchdog rejects annulment bids for Hatay, Ordu

The Supreme Election Council (YSK) has announced that it rejected the application for annulment of local elections in the southern province of Hatay and the northen city of Ordu lodged by the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and İYİ (Good) Party, respectively.
The decision came after board members on April 17 convened to reach a decision on final objections to results of the local elections held on March 31.
The election watchdog dismissed an objection by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) for Ardahan in the country’s north.
In Hatay, AKP candidate Mehmet Öntürk secured victory with 44.48 percent of the votes, while the CHP candidate Lütfü Savaş trailed him closely with 44.05 percent. Hatay, ravaged by last year's devastating earthquakes claiming over 24,000 lives in the city alone, has been a focal point of political debate. Ex-mayor Savaş, who was renominated for the mayoral position, suffered defeat by around 3,000 votes, according to official records.
In Ordu, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) candidate Mehmet Hilmi Güler secured victory in the election, holding a lead of more than 14,000 votes over his nearest rival, Yılmaz.