Egeran Art Gallery gathers artists at ‘Minor Truths’ show

The concept of time and its various aspects are embedded in the works on view. Curated by Elif Kamışlı, the exhibition features photographs, video works and installations by Selim Birsel, Ali Kazma, Ali Emir Tapan, Nasan Tur and Mürüvvet Türkyılmaz.
The title of the show is taken from the novel “The Institute for the Readjustment of Clocks” by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar. In order to avoid the displeasure and anxiety associated with our mortality, people turn away from time and evidence of its passing. In spite of this, minor truths force us to acknowledge our march toward the end, as our attempts to freeze the moments and busy ourselves with daily issues are ultimately futile.
The exhibition opens Sept. 6.