Bonomo to compete in second semi-finals
ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

Can Bonomo will represent Turkey in the Eurovision Song Contest this year.
Can Bonomo will compete against a total of 18 countries in the first semi-finals and 19 countries in the second semi-finals of the Eurovision Song Contest. Preparations have started for the 57th Eurovision Song Contest. Turkish state television TRT has chosen young musician Bonomo to represent the country in this year’s contest, which will take place in the Azerbaijani capital Baku in May.The countries are: Serbia, Sweden, Georgia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Macedonia, Estonia, Belarusian, Malta, Slovakia, Norway, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegvina, Bulgaria and Ukraine.
“I have some ideas; some are English and some are Turkish. We are planning to choose the one that will satisfy us the most,” Bonomo said, adding that they have not decided the songs he will present to TRT will be English or Turkish. He said their plan was to make a song on peace, friendship and happiness.
“I have found all of Turkey’s Eurovision songs very successful in their own style. We get very happy when we win but get very sorry when we lose. Rather than win, I see myself as a musician who will represent and showcase Turkey to the world in the best way,” he said on his expectations for this year’s Eurovision.
Bonomo has been involved in art since early ages when he had tried to write poems, he said, adding that he was also interested in illustration and drawings.