Yusuf most popular name for boys, Zeynep for girls

The most popular baby name given to boys was Yusuf and Zeynep for girls in 2021, the country’s official statistic office TÜİK has announced.
“In Türkiye, when the names given to babies born in 2021 were examined, it was seen that Yusuf for baby boys and Zeynep for baby girls took first place,” said the institution in a statement.
Alparslan for boys and Elif for girls were runners-up.
Miraç for boys and Asel for girls took third place.
According to TÜİK, Ömer Asaf, Eymen, Göktuğ, Ömer, Mustafa, Aras and Ali Asaf were the names in the “Top-10 Names List for Boys.”
Asya, Defne, Nehir, Azra, Zümra, Eylül and Ecrin were the other names selected for baby girls in 2021.
While Yusuf topped the list of names for boys in 2021, the name sat in ninth place on the list of “the most used boy names among the overall population of Türkiye.”
It was observed that the name Mehmet for males and Fatma for females were in first place in the most used names in Türkiye.
Mustafa, Ahmet, Ali and Hüseyin were the other names of the Top-5 most used boy names in the country.
In the “Top-5 most used girl names” list, Ayşe, Emine, Hatice and Zeynep followed Fatma.
TÜİK also considered the share of people living in their own dwellings in the study.
When the households were analyzed by the ownership status of the dwelling, it was seen that the share of households owning the dwelling they reside in was 60.7 percent while the share of those living in a rented house was 27.6 percent. The share of those not paying rent despite not living in their own dwellings was 8.4 percent and the share was 0.9 percent for those living in lodging.
The labor force participation rate for the population aged 15 and over was 51.9 percent in Türkiye.
When it was analyzed by sex, it was seen that the labor force participation rate was 69.9 percent for males and 34 percent for females.
The employment rate was 46.2 percent in total, 63.3 percent for males and 29.2 percent for females.
On the other hand, the unemployment rate was 10.9 percent in total, 9.4 percent for males and 14.1 percent for females.