Turkish EU Minister meets with German counterpart
ISTANBUL – Anadolu Agency

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Turkish EU Minister Volkan Bozkır met with his German counterpart Michael Roth at the EU Office in Istanbul’s Ortaköy district on Feb. 13.As an ally and a fellow, Germany is one of the most important countries that support Turkey’s EU membership negotiations, Bozkır told reporters.
“We believe the future of the negotiations is heavily dependent on the cooperation between Turkey and Germany. Within this context, my counterpart and I will talk about our current situation, as well as the future plans that will determine the course of the negotiation process,” he added.
Bozkır also noted Roth’s hospitality during his last visit to Berlin and stated he will have a lunch-meeting with his counterpart.
A number of other people, including the Turkish-German University vice chancellor, the director of a German high school in Istanbul, opinion leaders from Turkey’s non-Muslim minorities, various artists and business persons of Turkish and German origin and historian İlber Ortaylı, were also invited to the meeting, Bozkır said.
Roth said in his statement he is very glad to visit an ally and a fellow country which has been deeply committed to the EU. In order to revive the negotiation processes between Turkey and the EU, Roth stated they will review their options at the meeting. Roth also mentioned the good communication between Turkey and Germany when it comes to the issue of problem-solving.
Turkish-German Parliament Friendship Group Head Michelle Müntefering and German ambassador Eberhard Polh were also present at the meeting.