Turkey’s Yemeksepeti acquires a majority stake in Jordanian company

The company has spread its operations to eight countries with the latest acquisition.
“We will continue to grow in potential markets with new acquisitions,” Yemeksepeti CEO Nevzat Aydın vowed in a written statement on Nov. 17.
The Jordanian brand becomes the fourth brand to join the company’s expanding portfolio, alongside Yemeksepeti.com, foodonclick.com, and clickdelivery.gr. In total Yemeksepeti serves over 3 million registered users.
ifood.jo, which launched in January 2012, is a market leader in Jordan, serving 25,000 registered users per year and an average of 500 orders per day. It is partnered with over 200 restaurants in Jordan, according to the company’s website.
“We have closely followed the successes of Yemeksepeti in Turkey, Greece and the Middle Eastern countries. It has grown by 200 percent abroad, which is really amazing. We know our brand will grow with Yemeksepeti,” said the founder of iffod.jo, Omar Akel.