Turkey’s leading beer producer, Efes, shuts down website
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Citizens visiting the website of Efes Pilsen saw a reproachful message today.
“You cannot see the website you are trying to open. Our website was blocked according to Law No. 6487 published in the Official Gazette on June 11, 2013, which says ‘commercials for alcoholic beverages are forbidden for any reasons.’ But, even if we do not see, we recognize, we know,” the message read.
However the other alcoholic beverage producers in Turkey have kept their websites online, only asking visitors to confirm they are above the age of 18.
On May 24, Parliament’s General Assembly adopted the alcohol bill proposed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), tightening restrictions on the sale and advertising of alcoholic beverages. Retailers will no longer be allowed to sell alcoholic beverages between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., according to the bill.
The controversial alcohol law is seen as one of the reasons protesters have taken to the streets every night as part of the Taksim Gezi Park protests to voice demands that include respect for their lifestyles.