Turkey imposes visa requirements on Russian trucks due to reciprocity
ANKARA - Anadolu Agency

Russia imposed the requirements on Turkish trucks at the beginning of the year following a downturn in relations precipitated by Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet along the Turkish-Syrian border in November 2015.
Ankara began implementing the measures against Russian trucks on June 1.
“Turkey took this decision in accordance with the rules of reciprocity. If Russian trucks face any problems in passing through the border, they will voice their concerns at home. We all hope visa-free passage will go into effect again,” said the executive president of the Istanbul-based International Transporters Association (UND), Fatih Şener.
He said Turkish trucks had faced various difficulties after Russia banned visa-free passage through the border, leading to Turkey to consider alternative routes, particularly across the Caspian Sea.
“Turkey did not impose the visa requirements on Russian trucks at the beginning, but it has to in line with the rules of reciprocity in international law,” said Şener, adding that Russia was continuing to implement strict controls against Turkish trucks.