Turkey calls on Greece for dialogue on E Med

Turkey reiterated its call on Nov. 21 for dialogue with Greece regarding its seismic research activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said Greece issued another statement “reiterating the known claims and objections of Oruç Reis [seismic research vessel] regarding the seismic research activity carried out on the Turkish continental shelf.”
“These allegations and objections were answered with six statements made by our Ministry since last July,” Aksoy said. “Turkey will continue to resolutely protect its rights and the rights of Turkish Cypriots in the eastern Mediterranean.”
“Greece should respond positively to our call for dialogue, rather than issuing a statement on [Turkey’s] every Navtex issue,” he said.
Turkey said it was extending the seismic survey work of Oruç Reis in a disputed area of the eastern Mediterranean until Nov. 29.
Along with two other ships, the Ataman and Cengiz Han, Oruç Reis will continue work in an area west of Cyprus, a Turkish naval maritime notice said on Nov. 21.
It will conduct various geological, geophysical, hydrographic, and oceanographic surveys, especially on the continental shelf, while also searching for natural resources.
Ankara pulled the vessel out in September to allow for diplomacy with Greece, but then sent it back to the area.
The ship had been expected to finish its work by Nov. 23.