Salt Bae’s restaurant in New York City under investigation by health department

The co-partner of Turkey’s global Nusr-Et chain of grill houses, Nusret Gökçe’s steakhouse in New York, might be facing a health probe, according to Newsweek.
Nusr-Et Steakhouse might be in trouble with the city’s health department after someone pointed out the chef had handled the meat without gloves.
An article, which was issued on Eater on Jan. 30, said that the restaurant’s chef Nusret Gökçe had not worn gloves when preparing the food at his restaurant in Manhattan.
“We are investigating this complaint,” a spokesperson for the health department told Newsweek on Jan. 30.
In early 2017, Gökçe became a social media phenomenon for his meat-cutting and salt-drizzling skills. He has reached 10 million followers on Instagram.
“10 Million Times Thanks to My beloved followers. I Love you all!,” read the caption of a video he shared on Instagram last December.
Gökçe, who recently opened a branch in Miami, has been invited to cook in the home of Beyonce and Jay-Z. He has also been invited to the couple’s house party.
He will reportedly earn $20,000 for the gig.