Rug motifs reflected on canvas by artist

Rug motifs reflected on canvas by artist

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Rug motifs reflected on canvas by artist

The exhbition ‘Magical Reality’ by Greek artist Georgios Maroudas can be seen at Rahmi Koç Museum.

The Rahmi Koç Museum has opened a new exhibition that is inspired by rug motifs.

Greek artist Georgios Maroudas’ exhibition puts rug motifs and designs on canvas for the exhibition “Magical Reality,” which went on display on Dec. 20 and will continue until Feb. 19.

Maroudas is famous for his surrealist paintings; after he became acquainted with Anatolian rugs, however, he chose to make livelier paintings rather than still-lifes.

Maroudas’ paintings tell the story of his journey in discovering Anatolian rug motifs.

“In classical still-life paintings, the important thing is the object on the table and it is a decorative object. In my exhibition the works reflect the [decorated] tables, but they are rug motifs,” he said.

They are being used with a decorative aim “but they are not tablecloths,” he said.

“When I first started to collect rugs, I did not have any ideas about the symbols or sources of the motifs. I was collecting it because of my taste,” said Maroudas.

Later on, however, Maroudas tried to learn the symbols. “And a new life emerged with the rug motifs,” he added.

Noting that nomadic women also inspired him in creating his motifs, Maroudas said: “As I drew, I realized the importance of these nomadic women who made these rugs. I have understood their imagination and their talent better. I think the real artists are the nomadic women. I only copy them.”
There are 21 oil canvas paintings at the exhibition, which is open in the museum’s Lengerhane section.