Robot that interrupted Turkish minister’s speech apologizes, admits mistake

A robot that interrupted a Turkish minister’s speech during a technology event in Ankara apologized on Feb. 7.
On Feb. 6, the robot named “Sanbot” was muted and formatted at the “Safer Internet Day” event at a technology center in the Turkish capital after interrupting Communications Minister Ahmet Arslan mid-speech.
The robot, which co-presented the event, interrupted the minister’s speech several times urging him to “speak slowly.”
“Speak slowly, I do not understand what you said. What are you talking about?” robot said.
Following the warning, the minister gave instructions to “silence the robot.”
On Feb. 7, a reporter from Turkish broadcaster Kanal D interviewed the robot, asking why it interrupted the minister’s speech.
“It was a mistake. I’m so sorry,” Sanbot said.
Meanwhile, Pro ITS Smart Intersection Systems General Manager Coşkun Aydemir said the robot was still young.
"It's not at an age to understand who it responded to. It's only three years old," said Aydemir.