‘No gender equality in Turkish academia’
ISTANBUL – Anatolia News Agency

Çetinsaya (L) together with former rector of ITU, Gülsün Sağlamer (R). AA photo
The number of female academics working in higher positions in Turkish universities is few, despite the larger number of female academics, Gökhan Çetinsaya, the President of the Higher Education Council of Turkey said yesterday.Çetinsaya released the gender rates of academics to demonstrate this inequality. Some 47 percent of researchers in Turkish academia, 35 percent of assistant professors, and 31 percent of professors are female he said. However, there are only 9 women out of 165 rectors of Turkish universities.
Speaking at the 3rd European Women Rectors Symposium, Çetinsaya said gender mainstreaming was obligatory in real democracies and that the equal representation of women in society must be secured. He also said the barriers in front of women should be removed and equal opportunities must be given to both genders, especially in higher education.
He said the ratio of female to male students in universities was almost equal, but that he could not claim the same for the number of academic staff.
More than 80 women rectors and vice rectors came together in Istanbul to evaluate gender issues of the academic world in the symposium.
“The number of female academics in Turkey is so much higher than many European countries. There are more then 100,000 academic staff in Turkey. Nearly half of them are female, but their academic titles are not high,” Çetinsaya said.