New endemic plant discovered in southern Türkiye

Turkish scientists from several universities have revealed that an endemic plant species has been discovered in the country’s south.
Süleyman Uysal, a science teacher, discovered the species in the southern province of Antalya’s Akseki district, subsequently taking action to send the plant to be inspected by scientists engaged in field inspections.
After carrying out field inspections on the plant species, scientists from Karadeniz Technical University (KTÜ), Giresun University (GRÜ) and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University (RTEÜ) determined that it was, in fact, a new species.
“Our initial analysis of the plant revealed that it was an indigenous and one-of-a-kind species that was exclusive to our nation,” said Professor Dr. Serdar Makbul, a lecturer from RTEÜ’s Biology department.
The scientists determined that the newly identified species belonged to the Polygonum plant family, naming it “Polygonum Uysalii” in reference to the surname of its discoverer.