Ministry trains men in tea shops on violence

Ministry trains men in tea shops on violence

ANKARA - Anatolia News Agency
Family and Social Policies Ministry is started providing education at the tea houses and social facilities to raise awareness of the men on the domestic violence.

The project is aiming to educate 5,000 men with 100 seminars, each 45-minute, in six months in 48 provinces.

The seminars titled “Awareness seminar to increase communication within family” will be organized by Education and Publication Department of the ministry.

Raising awareness on domestic violence

Experts will train the adult men on that the domestic violence, results from gender roles, has penalty in the law and how one can intervene if encounter such cases.

The seminars will take place on weekends in months between March and August this year.

As the ministry cannot easily reach men due to their lack of time, it decided to reach them at the tea houses, which are traditional cafes with only male customers, according to Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policies Aşkın Asan.

Asan said they have started a pilot scheme and introduce Alo 183 a hotline for domestic violence as well as other issues such as disabled and children.

Speaking at a preparation event at a tea house in the Altındağ district of Ankara, Asan said that it was important to reach men.

“Men have a disadvantage of participating to the educations, due to their lack of time,” said the Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policies. “With that in mind, we decided to come to those tea houses to hold those education sessions.”