Ministry introduces issue of cyberbullying in curriculum

Following the decision of the Education Ministry, teachers will teach students how to deal with peer bullying and cyberbullying within the scope of "School-Based Social Responsibility Studies," taught as an elective course in secondary schools.
The new curriculum will teach students what peer bullying is, what to do if they encounter bullying and how to behave to avoid being bullied.
The curriculum aims to raise students' awareness of social sensitivity and responsibility and other social problems.
Guidance and peer counselors will conduct preventive activities against peer bullying in schools. The reason for including this course in the curriculum in middle schools is because peer bullying is most common during this period.
In this elective course, teachers will explain the types of physical, verbal, relational and cyberbullying.
According to Associate Professor Gökhan Atik from Ankara University's Faculty of Education, teachers should not give examples about students. When giving examples, they should refer to the event and behavior without putting people under suspicion.
The duration of secondary school education in Türkiye is three years, from sixth to eighth grade.
The curriculum of the sixth-grade course will include topics such as social responsibility, social awareness, social values and morals, environment and sustainability, social health and social assistance.
The course emphasizes practical learning outcomes in addition to theory at advanced levels. In this context, in addition to the existing units, topics of community service and volunteering for seventh grade and social entrepreneurship and innovation and an overview of global problems for eighth grade have been included.
Awareness of peer bullying, especially regarding body shaming - which means making fun of someone's size, weight and height - is also a part of the program. Therefore, the curriculum will focus on various concepts such as healthy living and relationships, and the importance of physical activity and nutrition in order to prevent diabetes and obesity will be emphasized.