Military vehicle accident kills 2 soldiers

A collision between a military vehicle and a truck in the Central Anatolian province of Konya has killed two soldiers and wounded two others.
A military van belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces collided with a truck from behind on the Konya-Adana road, where there was heavy fog, on early Jan. 4.
Soldiers Harun Uğur and Halil Seltan lost their lives on the scene, while Mustafa Çitçi and Muhammed Can Öklü were injured.
Police and paramedics were sent to the accident site and the injured soldiers were taken to Konya City Hospital.
The soldiers in the truck came to Konya to buy supplies for their troops, local media said.
“There was dense fog. When the vehicles stopped suddenly, I slammed on the brake and maneuvered to the left. However, I hit the truck from behind,” Çiftçi, who was driving the vehicle, said in his statement.
Visiting the injured at the hospital, Konya Governor Vahdettin Özkan informed that they were in good condition.