Measures on the way for safety of women
ANKARA - Anatolia News Agency

The measures include increasing the number of public bus stops. Hürriyet photo
The Family and Social Policies Ministry has taken a number of measures to increase the safety of women using public transportation.As part of the ministry’s national action plan to combat violence against women, the number of bus stops will be increased, and the routes of transportation vehicles will be adjusted in order to cover all residential areas. In addition, long streets and parks will be better lit, while accessibility to emergency numbers will also be increased.
The Interior Ministry will also cooperate with the Turkish Municipalities Union and nongovernmental organizations on urban-planning matters as part of the planned reforms.
The plan entered into force with Family and Social Policies Minister Fatma Şahin’s approval. According to the plan, the “Alo 183” phone line will be strengthened to combat domestic violence in the short term.
Some services such as protection, housing, medical treatment, legal rights, care for children and the elderly, as well as rehabilitation, will be provided more effectively for women exposed to or in danger of violence in the medium term.
Women staying in women’s shelters will be given access to employment-guaranteed vocational courses and preschool education opportunities of the Education Ministry. Women will also be supported with training, consulting and financial services so that they can establish their own businesses.
Separate specialized shelters are slated to be established for women who are exposed to long-term violence, subject to drug addiction and victimized by human traffickers or as prostitutes, as well as for those in need of a different service model in the rehabilitation and support process.
The proposal to open separate women’s shelters for victims of prostitution and drug addiction has led to “discrimination” discussions in previous months.