Left-wing youth group blocked from Turkish Parliament, Che Guevara T-shirts seized
Bülent Sarıoğlu – ANKARA

Arriving at parliament as guests of CHP deputy Ali Haydar Hakverdi, the members of the Dev-Lis [Revolutionary High School Students] were prevented by police from making a press statement to denounce Parliament Speaker İsmail Kahraman’s description of the Cuban revolutionary as a “killer” and a “bandit.”
After being blocked by police, the group led by Hakverdi headed to the parliament building’s press entrance, where they were again prevented by security guards from putting on Che Guevara T-shirts they had brought along with them.
Security guards tried to seize the T-shirts from the group’s members, saying they could not allow such a demonstration inside the parliament. Additional security members were called to the press area to intervene in the dispute and seize the t-shirts.
Following the disruption of the meeting, Hakverdi made a press statement alongside his eight-year-old son who was wearing a Che T-shirt.
“We have grown up with Che. Che is our hero. My son is in second grade and I want to raise him with these values. I want him to have an idea of the people, of those who are oppressed,” he said.
“Those who say ‘Che Guevara is a killer’ should first look at themselves. Leftists, those who love Che, are against unfairness and against rape. But these [who criticize Che] have defended rapists in their own country. They should take a look at themselves and not take Che’s name into their mouths,” Hakverdi added.