International Mardin Biennial begins on May 4

The International Mardin Biennial, based on the theme “Beyond Words,” will begin today. The fourth edition of the biennial has been curated by Fırat Arapoğlu, Nazlı Gürlek, and Derya Yücel.
The Fourth International Mardin Biennial, which is organized under the directorship of Döne Otyam and hosted by the Mardin Cinema Association with the participation of 50 artists, includes works centering around the concepts of perception, the body and limitations that are collected under the theme of “Beyond Words.”
The event under this caption consists of three interacting sections that will include works such as “Infinite Perception” by Arapoğlu, “Body Language” by Gürlek, and “Limitations and Thresholds” by Yücel.
Each of these works focus on ways of creating and producing meanings and modes of expression beyond words. The works in the event aim at bringing together the various modes of expression created through perception, as well as body language and space beyond words. These three modes of expression that occur beyond words, become the core of ways of visual creation, as well as those pertaining to the body and space, which are in effect the essential components of art.
As was the case in the previous editions, the objective of this fourth edition of the biennial is once again the transformation of historical spaces in Mardin into platforms seeking means of creating a common language.
The German Headquarters (Alman Karargahı), hamam, Mor Efrem Monastery, Virgin Mary Church, Mardin Museum, Colonnade Market shops (Revaklı Çarşı dükkanları) and Carpenters’ Coffeeshop (Marangozlar Kahvesi) are the venues for the biennial, which will run through June 4.