Humor magazine releases ‘no to war’ edition
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

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Weekly humor magazine Leman, which has previously released special editions on Palestine and the Van earthquake, this week released a “Savaşa Hayır” (No to War) special edition, with tension between Turkey and Syria increasing.In this week’s edition names like Ece Temelkuran, Melda Onur, İsmail Beşikçi, Gün Zileli, Metin Yeğin, Tayfun Er and Yaşar Kurt contributed, working alongside the Leman team. The cover was designed by Ramize Erer.
Besides cartoonists and humorists, the magazine also reserves places for politicians and columnists.
Timur Danış, who in 2003 organized a peace walk from Istanbul to Ankara against a resolution authorizing the deployment of U.S. forces in Turkey as part of the Iraq war, has also been given a place in the special edition.
Atilla Atalay, Can Barslan, M.K. Perker, Bahadır Boysal, Feyhan Güver, Mesud Ata, Metin Fidan, Felat Delibalta and Güneri İçoğlu are among the other names featured in the special edition, as well as peace walkers, who are currently on an organized walk from Uludere to Ankara for peace.