Graduation dress code stirs debate

A high school graduation ceremony in the northwestern province of Kocaeli's Gebze district has sparked a controversy among parents due to the exclusion of some female students based on their attire.
According to local officials, the controversy stemmed from a communication breakdown between the school administration at Alaettin Kurt Anatolian High School and students. Parents were asked to sign a permission form for the ceremony, which included dress code restrictions.
However, upon arrival at the ceremony, some female students were deemed to be in violation of the dress code and were denied entry. This decision infuriated parents, who argued that school officials had gone too far and accused them of treating students "like terrorists." The tension escalated, prompting the deployment of gendarmerie forces to the school.
Gebze Education Director Şener Doğan intervened and ultimately allowed all students to participate in the ceremony. An investigation has been launched into the incident, with a focus on whether school principal Ahmet Korkmaz overstepped his bounds.
Education Minister Yusuf Tekin acknowledged the principal's attempt to manage the situation but suggested he "lost control" when the situation escalated. Tekin vowed to take "necessary action" if negligence is found.