German Greens co-chair affected by tear gas, takes refuge at hotel
ISTANBUL – Doğan News Agency

Claudia Roth took shelter at the Divan hotel like deozens of protesters. AA photo
German Green Party co-chair Claudia Roth, who was at the surroundings of the Taksim Square when the police intervened to evacuate the Gezi Park, has been affected by the tear gas fired by the security officers.Roth took shelter like many protesters at the Divan hotel which faces the Harbiye entrance of Gezi Park. Doctors and volunteers gave the first medical aid to protesters affected by the intense tear gas bombardment.
The German politician was also significantly affected by tear gas and received medical attention.
The hotel was encircled by the police who fired tear gas inside its doors. Many protesters were reported to be severely injured. Ambulances were seen picking injured and unconscious people.
Like war
"It was like war," Roth told the German private broadcaster ZDF after the police raid to Gezi Park. "I am a living witness. They fired tear gas without sparing women and children," she said.
Police had intervened in Taksim Square earlier today, entering Gezi Park for the first time after two weeks. The outcry resulting from the muscled crackdown leaded to many protests across the town with clash breaking out at several arterial roads.