Erdoğan: No concession on ‘one nation, one flag’

Erdoğan: No concession on ‘one nation, one flag’

Expressing regret over a lack of sufficient support in the government’s fight against terror and for a “National Unity and Brotherhood Project,” first launched in 2009, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan vowed on Dec. 27 that a victory against terrorism would eventually be gained.

Erdoğan’s remarks came in a speech delivered at an award ceremony arranged by the Ankara Chamber of Industry (ASO), where he cited his well-known motto on the issue of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the definition of patriotism.

No concessions

“This country is ours. That’s why we have, from the very beginning, said this: we said, ‘one nation’, we said, ‘one flag,’ we said, ‘one homeland,’ and we said, ‘one state.’ There will be no concessions given on this. Those who think differently will be excluded,” Erdoğan said.

“I believe that as nation, we will reach victory in our fight against terror sooner or later. Of course this has a cost, we have martyrs, etc,” he said, referring to security force members killed in the fight against the PKK. k HDN