CHP wants apology for Israeli raid
WASHINGTON - Anatolia News Agency

CHP Deputy Chairman Faruk Loğoğlu speaks at a meeting in this file photo. AA Photo
A main opposition delegation to Washington has told the American Jewish Committee that Turkey expects an apology and compensation for the families of nine Turks killed in an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla last year.Republican People’s Party (CHP) Deputy Chairman Faruk Loğoğlu said they wanted Turkish-Israeli relations to be normalized and to be based on mutual confidence and respect. Loğoğlu also said the embargo imposed on Gaza should be lifted.
Nine Turkish nationals were killed when Israeli commandos raided the Mavi Marmara, the lead vessel in a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in May 2010.
The CHP delegation is currently in the United States and has met with Larry Silverman in the U.S. vice president’s office in Washington, as well as former U.S. Ambassador to Ankara Morton Abramowitz.
Loğoğlu said they discussed issues including relations with Syria and Iran, as well as the problems relating to freedom of press and women’s rights in Turkey. Loğoğlu said they did not intend to criticize Turkey or its government with the visit, but were rather trying to improve relations between Turkey and the U.S.